Relieve & Repair Through the depth of your being with

soothing energy healing

Decades of experience healing 10,000+ clients

If you’re like the many dreamers & seekers I’ve been honored to work with, you:


Achieve wellness & happiness through simplicity.

Ditch the heavy burdens & survival patterns no longer serving you.

Then there’s room for you to be who you’re meant to be – well & happy.

Energy Healing is the Soothing balm to all that ails you

Let the truth & wisdom of  energy set you free

I don’t have coverage, but I’ve opted to pay out of pocket for this because it is the one thing that truly works.  I tried everything else & just kept spinning my wheels. Covered options felt cold, lacked intuition & just didn’t have the right vibe. Coverage isn’t everything. Results are.” -Robyn

When an energy pattern is familiar & has been around as long as we can remember, it can be a challenge to identify, let alone clear.  😕

Awareness of the pattern – what it looks, feels & sounds like – is necessary to then break free of the pain, dynamics & everything the survival pattern is causing. 🤩

It takes a skilled Energy Healer to accomplish this efficiently & effectively.  Qualifications, experience & continual training into ever-expanding knowledge is an absolute must. Otherwise any risk of harm is not given the respect & consideration you deserve. 

I’m an Energy Healer that knows energy, intuition, the complexities of the human body & science in a way that very few do.  Energy is my life – I train & progress my skillsets every single day. 🤓

Energy patterns really matter because they create physical pain & symptoms & they dictate our:

The old saying that the truth shall set you free is very real. 

Once you understand the energy pattern, you can let it go because it no longer has a hold on you.  Let go of it & it lets go of you. 🌈👋🦋

It's Your Time

Claim unbridled & joyous wellness in all facets of your life

Nothing changes until the energy changes.  shift the energy, shift everything.

“Lynne provides a calm, safe, welcoming environment where she gives you her undivided time & attention. Lynne actively listens & intuitively knows how to get to the source of the problem.  Lynne is skilled at helping to uncover & bring the needed answers to the surface.– Karen

You ready for this?!  Brace yourself –

Anywhere in life where you’re not experiencing unbridled & joyous wellness means you’re at war with survival energy patterns no longer serving you. 🤯

If you’ve tried all the wonderful regular approaches but are still struggling to achieve a wellness goal, there’s an energy pattern awaiting your awareness.  🎤 

Mainstream approaches do not consider energy.  Having a “holistic approach” has been something trendy that sounds nice to say, but let’s be real – it rarely, if ever, occurs.  🤨🙄🤥

Energy Healing is necessary to address energy patterns.  Nothing else touches ’em. 💯

It doesn’t matter how big, bad or old the energy pattern is.

Energy Healing can shift it all.

The Invitation

Say goodbye to wolf-in-sheep's-clothing energy patterns and hello to

your most well & happy self

See the energy pattern was never You and release pain, symptoms & dynamics

Lynne is a wizard at work – she is a gifted healer that I have not come close to encountering elsewhere.  She narrows in on the problem quickly & effectively.  Had I started with Lynne way back at the beginning I would’ve saved myself a whole lot of time, money & stress.” -Rachel

Energy Healing 2

Energy Healing actually considers all of you – who you are physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, in relationships, professionally, financially AND in energy. ✨

Most of the time we, and everyone around us – including those closest to us spanning out to the most minor of acquaintances (including those in our health & wellness circle) mistakenly think the energy pattern is who we were, are & will continue to be.  Even though that’s not true, the polarizing, assumptions & mis-guided conclusions function to keep us stuck in the very pattern we are yearning to get free of.  🐹

It boils down to a simple truth – we must learn what is us & what is not. 🥰

That distinction is the very difference between you & the wolf in sheep’s clothing – what’s posing as you in an energy pattern.

That difference means the world to you.  It’s the divide between where you are now & where you desire to be – well & happy.  😍

Easy as 1, 2, 3

Clear, decompress, then repair through energy healing

1. Clear -
Shed what's not you or yours 👋

Energy Healing always brings a fresh perspective that allows you to clearly see all you need to about the survival pattern – the hamster wheel of what’s really been going on that no longer serves you.

Awareness alone can shift the pattern, as truth does.

Energy Healing ensures it. ✨

Shift the energy & everything shifts!

2. Decompress through deep R & R -
give your sympathetic system some serious zen 😴

During Energy Healing, you will experience deep calm, R&R, and personalized relief in exactly the way you most need it. 

Energy Healing is a massive stress-buster.  It’s one of the strongest things (if not the strongest thing) that exists to activate your parasympathetic system (or the brake to our flight/ flight survival system). 💤😴💤

The benefits are powerful & vast and can include deep rest, repair & renewal, cleansing, and healing to the depth of our entirety, beyond joints, muscle, fascia, and our superficial layers. 

3. Repair -
Be Mindful Through Making Conscious Choices 😇🥰

Once you’re free of something that’s held you stuck & caught for a long time, you are then empowered to consciously choose differently.

You now have an opportunity to serve yourself instead of the pattern.  To rewrite your story to consist of all that you desire – all the energy pattern was robbing you of. ✍

Seeing the energy pattern for what it is – a pattern that’s governed us for some time, allows us the opportunity to break free of its grasp so we can then consciously choose something better for ourselves.

Energy Healing is a CTRL-ALT-DEL that offers the ability to start fresh & anew by simply being mindful, paying attention & being present. 🧐

All will be simplified & clear – free of overwhelm, confusion, and the many distractions that keep us serving the pattern.

The Offer

Try out Energy Healing 

at a discount! 😍

Take 20% off your first Energy Healing session 😊 

 Online or in-person in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada

The price of Energy Healing varies wildly out there & I mean wildly.  

Many require that you commit to X sessions or X months totaling thousands of dollars.

I’ve seen an “intensive day of Energy Healing” cost $2000.00.  Yes, locally.


My regular rate for ~ 1 hour of Energy Healing is $158

the offer

Price will only go up!



~1 hour of online or in-person Energy Healing with an accomplished Energy Healer that knows wtf she's doing 😎

“I love working with Lynne!  She has an amazing way of healing.  She creates a safe space to explore the areas that feel a little scary or stuck.  The whole process, from start to finish is easy & manageable, while being highly effective.  She goes above & beyond to hold space for your process, whatever pace you are moving at.

-Richelle Galay-Cartwright

Plus, wait... there's more!



No questions asked. 😊 

If you don’t feel calmer, lighter, or zen with your Energy Healing session, tell me before the session ends & I’ll 💯 refund you in full.  That’s it.

And if you enjoyed the session, but you would rather take the knowledge you gained from the session & work on it yourself or with another practitioner of your choice, go for it!

Nothing’s on the table here, except an opportunity for you to experience quality clean Energy Healing. 🥰

Meet Your Healer

Lynne Brochu

Energy Healer, Intuitive Wellness Coach, Meditation Teacher

I love helping fellow seekers & dreamers connect to their most well & best self, and the richness of life that’s available when you feel physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually well, and beyond-happy with your relationships, profession, and finances.

Having read 10,000+ clients and logging ~40,000 hours over a combined 30 years of working in both holistic physical therapy & energetics, I’d be honored to provide you a reading that can light your path, no matter the route you choose to take.

Love & Light,



years of prior career knowledge as a Physical Therapist & successful 6-figure business & clinic owner


years of experience being an accomplished Energy Healer across a variety of systems & methods


cups of coffee (well, actually Keurig lattes), all kinds of various teas & Blume lattes per day. Yum! 😊


is a low estimate of the number of driven achievers I've been honored to work with as my career evolved

What's your purpose, joy, serenity & freedom worth to you?

Got an hour?

Book one heckuva Energy Healing session with a retired physio who knows the body & energy like no one else 🎤

you're worth it!

Lynne’s treatment is very gentle yet powerful. She’ll go the extra mile, take that extra minute and give you the assurance that you can & will move forward.  She also checks in with you out of the blue… who does that?!” -Donna



~1 hour of online or in-person Energy Healing with an accomplished Energy Healer that knows wtf she's doing 😎

40,000 hours over a combined 30 years in holistic physio & energetics


What dreamers & seekers like you are saying:

This was absolutely life changing for me – the very best thing I have ever spent money on!  I was impressed with how comfortable & easy Lynne made all of it, almost like chatting with a very smart best friend!  Lynne was able to take all my wild ramblings of goals & struggles, wrap them up, and present them to me concisely with a bow.  Lynne herself is a gift, a lovely gentle kind soul.

-Marcie Allen

“My life is so different now!  I couldn’t have gotten there on my own.  I saw the effects of energy work in my body, mind & all through my life.   I used to think wellness meant food & movement and while that does have a place, it’s only a small sliver of what I think wellness is now.”  

-Mallory Kelin

“Trust Lynne. She lets you blossom at your own pace, and she’s a very intuitive, warm & calming person.  I was hesitant about the investment but it’s worth every dollar.  I am more focused & I am sleeping better.   I have learned to nurture myself.   Lynne’s support is truly so valuable.”

-Lenora Morhart

While everyone’s experience working with Lynne is going to be unique, I believe Lynne can adapt to help anyone achieve their goals!  If you’ve been considering working with Lynne, I’d say just go for it!  I was hesitant about doing energetic work online because I didn’t think it would feel that effective when not physically in the same room, but I was definitely wrong!

-Rhaea Stinn

Working with Lynne helped me to create the space I needed to take a breath & a moment to realize I am the only one standing in the way of the life I want to lead.  The power of the mind, faith, process, trust & energy to move mental mountains is phenomenal. Lynne gives unwavering support, energy & love to elevate your mindset to know that there are limitless possibilities.”

-Rhonda Kwan


Is an Energy Healing session for me?

This session is for you if you're:

This session ain't for you if you're:

Questions ?


Is this covered by insurance?

Some benefit plans do cover Energy Healing, or have certain allowances for this type of work, often under Health & Wellness, Lifestyle, or Healthcare Spending Accounts beyond the regular drug, medical & dental coverage. But, I realize many plans do not cover this type of work, and this is why I offer discounts.

How do I book?

There is no check-out cart! To book an Energy Healing session, simply click on the big purple "I'm Ready" button and select the day & time in the calendar that suits you for your session. From there, you'll indicate you want the Energy Healing session in the short form +/- Card Reading (you can add Card Reading for a small upcharge at an already-reduced-great price of $67), and I'll send you instructions on how to make e-transfer payment. That's it! Easy-peasy!

Do you take credit card?

Nope. Payment is accepted by e-transfer only. I do my best to keep cost fair by avoiding extra fees whenever possible, including checkout fees. Once you book, you'll be emailed instructions on how to complete e-transfer payment. Payment is due within 24 hours of any booking to lock in your spot for your session. Thank you for understanding.

Should I take notes during our session?

I type a summary record of every session for you! While some clients like to jot a key word or feeling down, there's no need for you to take detailed notes on everything we cover. I do my best to take notes on the key takeaways for you so that you can embrace the moment fully. Post session I will send that summary to you, and you then get an opportunity to add in any reflections or comments to the summary form too. I got you! You can refer to your summary form at any time through the simple click of a button in an email I send you post-session.

Can I do Energy Healing online instead of in person?

Yes. Energy Healing is equally effective whether online or in-person.

You sure in-person Energy Heaings sessions aren't more effective?

Any quality energy practitioner will let you know that Energy Healing is just as effective online. I spent over 20 years working hands-on with people as a holistic physio & even I was surprised at how effective online is. It's the truth you'll come to know & discover if you choose to embark in any type of quality energetic training.

Will you travel to offer in-person Energy Healing sessions?

Nope. In-person sessions are only available out of my home in Moose Jaw, Sk, Canada. Please note I have a small flight of steps into my home main floor where all of our time is spent. If you have concerns about mobility, reach out & we'll explore!

What's the catch with the money-back guarantee?

No catch. If you don’t feel calmer, lighter, or zen with your Energy Healing session, tell me before the session ends & I’ll refund you in full.  That's it.

Don’t see your question in the FAQs?

Reach out at!


Say goodbye to wolf-in-sheep's-clothing energy patterns and hello to

your most well & happy self

See the energy pattern was never You and release pain, symptoms & dynamics

Energy Healing 2

You’re getting a 1:1 private online or in-person Energy Healing session with an accomplished Energy Healer that knows energy, intuition, the complexities of the human body & science in a way that very few do. 

Discover what it’s like to get free of a survival energy pattern that’s no longer serving you.  Discover what is you & what is not. 😍 

Plus with a money-back guarantee, what have you got to lose?  Can’t see a typical “healer” offering that up.


You ready ?



~1 hour of online or in-person Energy Healing with an accomplished Energy Healer that knows wtf she's doing 😎

I met my first goal & then checked off a bunch of other goals I never thought I would accomplish in the next 10 years. It was definitely worth it!  It’s wild – we made so much headway with removing old energy patterns that were no longer serving me.” -Robyn

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