1) Reminder on Level 1 starting 1 week from today!, 2) I'm on You-Tube!, and 3) New blog drop!
Step Within Step Within
Intuitive Energetic Coaching
Happy Saturday! I want to share just 3 quick things with you! View online
3 quick things to share!

1) Reminder on Level 1 starting 1 week from today!,

2) I'm on You-Tube!, and

3) New blog drop!

Hey hey!


Y'all, I've had a realization that this summery fall we're having is absolutely my favorite season.  I love the crisp edge to the air + all the color changes along with the still-hot sun + summery feel.  I hope y'all are getting in some good nature time.

And I truly hope y'all have been enjoying our newsletters so far.  I hope it's just a moment out of your day when you can slow down, read, and connect over a cup of coffee.


Okay, so down to business here. 1) Level 1 of Training in Power starts 1 week from today on Saturday October 2nd!  For those of you who've completed Level 1, this is your opportunity to audit for free if you like! 


If Level 1 interests you, don't delay in registering!  I have only 1 to 2 spots left!  And this'll be the last time I teach this year!


You can read the details in the last newsletter I sent, or you can simply read the newsletter archive - it's the one called "Energetic Healing + Meditation course starting Oct 2nd" from September 18th!  Or just reply to this email and let me know you're interested and I can help you out from there.  Or, if you're ready to register and just needed a reminder, click below!

Newsletter Archive!
Register for Level 1!

2) I'm on You Tube!  I just freshly started my own You Tube channel, and y'all this is a big step for me.  I'm 96% introverted.  But, I'm following my gut and listening to my intuition and taking a step forwards to being more visible so that I can reach the right audience.


I feel called to get out the message of what I do and why, and meditation clearly told me to get on You Tube... my initially reaction was "f*ck no", and "Source, are you sure?!?"  


Nothing against Facebook and Instagram, but I feel called to implement the next layer of connection and finding the right audience and I feel being more visible is a part of that, and that's why I'm now on You Tube.


I'd so appreciate a like or comment on any of the videos I have up there now.  And, I'll routinely be adding more video content.  I plan to share tips + tricks for anyone seeking change or wellness.  Things like goal setting, why brain-training matters, why willpower is a farce, and that kind of thing.  And if there's a topic you'd like me to cover, reply to this email and let me know! Please subscribe to my channel if you're interested.

Step Within You Tube!

And 3) new blog drop! 


I've noticed for quite some time that people are having a hard-ish time understanding why I closed Within Physical Therapy and what I do now.


It's hard for people, sometimes, to let go of an old identity of you... but, I assure y'all, I won't be taking on that old identity and WPT is surely permanently done.  You can read my other blog posts as to why that is if you wanna know more on that.  While WPT was so very successful and while I had so many dream clients, it was time for me to make a pivot.  I knew a lot of those clients would fall away and that's meant to be and part of the process.  What I'm really interested in is re-connecting to those dream clients who resonate and have interest in what I do now.  I'll forever have gratitude for every single person who was somehow directly or indirectly connected to WPT because that's propelled me to the new me. 


This new blog post is to freshly introduce you to my new identity as a personal wellness coach and what exactly it is I do and offer.  I clearly define what I am not and what I am.  The truth is WPT and Step Within are so incredibly similar - it's just me that's changed.


I've also noticed a few new followers have come aboard, so I've done this Formal Introduction blog to cover all the above and to get acquainted with the newcomers (It's the 10th blog at the very bottom) that you can read here:

Step Within blog!

That's all for now... stay tuned for part 2 of client love (testimonials) coming soon.  Thanks for reading and have a wondrous Saturday!

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